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Tuesday 8 March 2011

Community engagement? or ("let's see what we can get away with")

Haringey council is proposing to cut the direct provision of  its out of schools services, you know things like breakfast clubs, after school clubs and holiday play schemes. 
Parents and other interested parties received a letter barely outlining the proposals three weeks ago and were asked to submit their responses by today, hardly long enough given that  guidelines set down by BERR state that 12 weeks is good practice! But then again Haringey don't seem to be very good at following guidelines, they also forgot to make the draft proposal and Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) available for consultation, tut tut!
Anyway they have now extended the 'consultation' until the 18/3/11 and will make the EIA available to me some time this week?
The worrying thing is that this is probably happening all over the country and all over the country authorities are probably getting away with it?

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